Presentation with Octavio Salvado

"The Death and Rebirth of Yoga in the Modern World"


Octavio focuses on teaching the traditional teachings and practices of yoga, which very likely date back for 6,000 years, and how the modern practice of yoga is not tapping into the essence and teachings that were tried, trialed and tested over 1000's of years. 

Is modern yoga too far off track to salvage?

Is modern yoga missing the essence and broad practical benefits of practicing yoga the way it was intended? 

What is the traditional path of yoga?


Learn from Octavio - who has been immersed in yoga for almost 3 decades - where yoga started and where we are going, in this very passionate and inspired presentation.

Warning: he does drop the occasional "F-bomb" so turn the volume down you if you are discreetly watching this in the office. :)  



Special Offer: Save $300


I (Carl Massy) was a co-owner at The Practice for a number of years, and have been doing yoga for 25-years, and I believe that the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training delivered at The Practice (in Bali) is one of the best on the planet, due to the depth of understanding of the original teachings.   

If you want the 'real deal' when it comes to yoga, done LIVE, on 'The Island of the Gods' (Bali), then check out the details.

And if you mentioned that Carl sent you (or type in Promo Code - CARL), you will get a $300 discount on the tuition costs. 


200-Hr Yoga Teacher Training Dates are: 

1 - 31 August 2024

1 - 31 October 2024

Check out the YTT details here

Octavio Salvado



“By the grace of my teachers, the Masters and my heavenly Mother and Father, my mission is simple: to share Yoga with the world in the way that it was intended – as a spiritual science designed to awaken us to our highest potential. Everything I teach is lineage-based, handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years in an unbroken chain of personal transmission.

Since I began teaching in 2006, my only wish has been to serve humanity by sharing this great science and simultaneously honor my teachers and the long line of dedicated Yogis that came before them.”

Octavio began practicing the science of Kriya Yoga at age 19 and was eventually initiated into Kriya Yoga at 27 in Northern India. He pilgrimaged for a decade across India, deepening his understanding and practice of Yoga and Tantra; things that can’t be learned from books.

He has accumulated dozens of certificates over the last two decades, but to him they matter very little. As the Masters say: ‘Only direct experience matters and how committed we are to daily practice’.

Now, with the unshakable resolve to educate people on the truth about Traditional Hatha – about what it is and what it isn’t – and to make it more accessible and meaningful for the masses, Octavio has committed himself wholeheartedly to the lineage of Sri Vidya, the knowledge-stream of the Himalayan Masters. This sublime lineage, above all else, is dedicated to bringing forward more light, wisdom and beauty into the world by the virtue of committed personal practice.

With his relentless studentship and unwavering commitment to self-practice, Octavio hopes to help all dedicated students find more purpose, self-reliance, joy and freedom in their daily lives and ultimately, achieve the highest goal – Self Realization.

He believes that when practiced correctly and with the right guidance and attitude, the potential for Yoga and Traditional Hatha to deeply transform all aspects of our lives is limitless.

With my amazing wife, Emma and our two wild kids, where together we run The Practice – a Yoga institute dedicated to keeping the tradition alive.